Are you ready for the Best Day Ever… every single day?

Life has it’s challenges, that’s a given. But what isn’t a given is that those challenges have to get in the way of our happiness. They don’t. In fact, they can actually contribute to our happiness. Yes, life can be amazing, regardless of the circumstance. Trust me, I’ve seen some of the worst that life has to offer, but I’ve walked away from it with one special nugget of wisdom: suffering is optional, happiness is a choice. 

That’s where Best Day Ever came from.

In this hands-on, interactive coaching program, over the course of 4 weeks, you’ll learn:

  1. One incredibly powerful principle I learned from a very old wise man that instantly eliminated any confusion or contradiction in my life, and how you can use it to find clarity and balance in your life. We’ll dive deep into how you can apply this in various aspects of your life: business, relationships, etc.
  2. The 6 core reasons that drive every single behavior, and the two motivators that trigger them. Once you know this blueprint, you’ll be very clear on why you do what you do, and can eliminate self-sabotaging behaviors, for good.
  3. Why motivation and positive affirmations usually don’t work. In fact, they may be setting you up for failure. We’ll dive deep into how to apply one single shift to eliminate the frustration that comes with being stuck and create momentum to move you forward.
  4. Four daily rituals you can use to live in a peak state – without adding any extra time to your daily routine. Applying these will give you more energy, more clarity in purpose, bring additional peace, and help you advance your business to move into the top 1% in your market.
  5. The one secret that marketers hope you’ll never find out and how you can use it to make more money in business, find greater fulfilment in life, and eliminate conflict from your relationships.

By the time we’re done, you’ll live in such a way that others will ask you why you’re so happy, where you’re getting all that energy from, and what that sparkle in your eye is all about… And you’ll know the answer.

This program normally sells for $1997. As a Cyber Monday special for you my loyal subscriber, I’m offering it for only $497. That’s 75% off!
Are you ready to make today, and every other day, the best day of your life?


I’m ready for the Best Day Ever, at 75% off!

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*Disclaimer: In exchange for your payment you will receive awesome training, interactive coaching and special access to the mastermind. I’m not promising you a million dollars, a super handsome boyfriend or anything else you might see in sleazy tabloid ads. I can only promise to give you my best stuff and you’ll have to act on it to earn it yourself.


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© 2015 Joseph Ranseth Inc.

Disclaimer: Although I commit myself to giving you 100% to helping you succeed,
however you define success, I can’t take responsibility for your outcomes.