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Transformation: How to change your life using the same blueprint Gandhi used to change the world.

($47 Value) I believe that there is an inner yearning within each of us. A faint but powerful whisper that tells us there’s something more; that we’re destined to have a bigger impact than we’re currently having. A voice, that once expressed, will inspire others to their own greatness and in a very practical way, make the world better. This book will help you follow the voice and live a life beyond what you may have imagined possible. It just may help you change the world.

Why Affirmations Don’t Work… And how to create a magical life anyway

($97 Value) It doesn’t matter if you have been on this journey for years, or if this is really just your starting point. What matters is that you’re taking action and that you have a vision for how you want to improve your future.

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(And how to create a magical life anyway!)

© 2016 Joseph Ranseth Inc.