Go Ahead, Start A Movement™
Simple, every day acts – our jobs, family duties, etc – can create significant results when driven by a powerful purpose. Find yours, and get ready to Take Your Message To The WorldTM today!

There is an inner yearning within each of us. A faint but powerful whisper that tells us that there’s something more. That we’re destined to have a bigger impact than we’re having currently. A voice, that once expressed, will inspire others to their own greatness, and in a very practical way, make the world better. It’s time, to listen to that voice.
Go ahead, start a movement.
Are your daily actions inspired
by a purpose bigger than yourself?
The mundane becomes meaningful, the base becomes beautiful, all things are transformed, when looked at through the lens of purpose. What’s yours?
“One of the most authentic and engaging speakers I have ever heard.”
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Gandhi didn’t actually ever say “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Here’s the real quote…
You know that whole quote: “be the change you want to see in the world” that we attribute to Gandhi all the time?
Well, he didn’t actually say it.
Now this actually is good advice, and even though he didn’t actually say it the way we attribute it to him, I believe he’d support the idea. Here’s what he really said, though…
Brain Soul Success – Interview with Dr. Louise Swartswalter on the origins of Let’s Stay Here
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The Secret To Gandhi’s Power: “Element Zero”
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Any change worth achieving is brought about by those who dare to believe that something inside of them is superior to circumstance.