Gandhi didn’t actually ever say “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Here’s the real quote…
You know that whole quote: “be the change you want to see in the world” that we attribute to Gandhi all the time?
Well, he didn’t actually say it.
Now this actually is good advice, and even though he didn’t actually say it the way we attribute it to him, I believe he’d support the idea. Here’s what he really said, though…

Brain Soul Success – Interview with Dr. Louise Swartswalter on the origins of Let’s Stay Here
In this laughter- and tear-filled conversation with Dr. Louise Swartswalter of the Brain Soul Success podcast, we dug into the origins of my new book Let’s Stay Here, and unearthed many random nuggets, including:

The Secret To Gandhi’s Power: “Element Zero”
When Gandhi went to London to negotiate with the monarchy regarding India's release, a British journalist asked him: “what is your secret?” In other words, how does a 90 pound Hindu ascetic with homespun clothes and no shoes bring the largest empire in history to its...

7 Wayne Dyer Quotes on his 77th Birthday
Today, Wayne Dyer would have turned 77. Although he left us, his life and teachings continue to inspire and transform countless lives on this planet. Here are 7 quotes from Dr. Dyer to celebrate his 77th birthday. “Circumstances do not make a man, they reveal him.” -...