Do you want to start a movement? What can you do today to shift toward altruistic thinking?

It’s always a pleasure to spend time talking to Maria Keckler of Business Breakthrough University. When we spoke on her podcast, I shared how a movement transcends the age-old selling proposition; how it engineers transformation, it inspires, and it stays with someone for life. How this is a timeless process that we can see repeated throughout history; figures like Dr. King and Gandhi drew people together through a similar method. I shared the Three Step Blueprint that they utilized, which you can use to personally inspire positive change in the world.

If the blueprint is only three simple steps, why aren’t there more Gandhis?

The Blueprint covers how to start your movement—the steps for implementation—but it also takes inner work to shift your focus beyond yourself to a more altruistic state of mind to make it successful.

How can you become more like Gandhi?

Listen to find out.


More about Maria Keckler:

maria-kecklerI am a huge fan of Maria Keckler, and her book, Bridge Builders, made me cryMaria is a business and communications strategist, philanthropist, and bestselling author. She’s also the founder of Superb Communication, a San Diego based firm that offers strategic communication solutions for small businesses and large corporate clients, as well as host and founder of the Business Breakthrough University program and podcast. Go to Amazon and get Bridge Buildersit will change the way you communicate and just might make you cry, too.