Martin Luther King Jr.
In the United States, today is Martin Luther King Jr day. It is a day of rememberance for a great man who had the courage to stand for a great cause that he was willing to lay his life down for.
Martin Luther King Jr faced great adversity in his mission but found a reason to move forward despite the challenges…

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.
– Martin Luther King Jr., Strength to Love, 1963
The legacy of a teacher is not the name they create for themselves, but the impact on the lives of those they serve. So, even more important than recognizing the teacher, today should be a day of reflecting on the lessons left behind.
The greatest honor that we can give to Martin Luther King Jr. is to listen to his counsel… though many of the social issues have changed in the last 40 years, there is timeless wisdom in his teachings that are just as important today – if not more so. In today’s global society, the teachings of love, harmony, forgiveness and courage may be exactly what we need to heal wounds caused by ignorance and indifference.
Here are a few of the teachings that we might be able to incorporate today:
- “Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.” – Is there a way that you forgive someone today?
- “An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” – How can you rise above your own worries today to serve a greater purpose?
- “I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear.” – Are you allowing hate to burden your thoughts?
- “Only in the darkness can you see the stars.” – You might have troubles right now, we all do… can you see the silver lining, though? Every challenge has a gift to those who will open their eyes.
- “Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy to a friend.” – How can you live more peacably with those you may have hard feelings toward?
- “Never forget that everything Hitler did in Germany was legal.” – Just because someone says that something is right, doesn’t mean it is. Check in with your conscience and listen to your soul… it won’t lead you wrong.
- “Let no man pull you low enough to hate him.” – We can’t control what others do, but we are in absolute control of how we respond… Are you letting your perceptions of others bring you down?
- “A man can’t ride your back unless it’s bent.” – We choose what we allow to bother us. Today, choose to be a duck. Let it roll off your back like water.
Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream, what will you do today to be a part of that dream?
By letting just one teaching change your life, you will be someone’s dream come true…
For an incredible tribute to Martin Luther King Jr, check out this video: http://budurl.com/iamfree made by Veronica Ciandre.
No better tribute in my opinion!