Okay, so this is a bit of a long video, but it’s a pretty good story. 🙂
I was asked the other day for some advice… Someone I know was struggling with a decision they needed to make and referenced an earlier post of mine on how to live a magical life. I hope that this video will be somewhat helpful…
Faced with 2 very different options, it can be difficult to know what to do…unless we understand this simple, but powerful method for making decisions. You can watch the video, or read the formula below:
Think, Listen, Feel, Act
The decision making process is simple:
- With the option you are considering, close your eyes and visualize what the future will look like if you pursue that course.
- Pay attention for the specific feelings of faith, peace, comfort and excitement.
- If you get those feelings, ACT! If not, consider another path…
The basic idea is simple… the heart will tell you things that your mind will never conceive. As Johann Kaspar Lavater put it: “Intuition is the clear conception of the whole at once.”
You don’t have to ‘know’ (mind) how things will work out, you just have to listen to how you ‘feel’ (heart). Take the step in faith, and the path will become clear as you go.
Once Enlightened, Don’t Give Up
Just remember to hold tight to the conviction to act from that inspiration when it comes. I’ve noticed that the pot of gold at the end of the inspiration rainbow is only found after a few briar patches. It’s intended that way, otherwise the leperchauns would get to it first.
Miracles are always preceded by an exercising of faith. If it wasn’t that way, everyone would live a magical life. But life has designed it so that the lazy and unbelieving are ever kept from the pot of gold. Remember that…if you’ve been inspired from the beginning, the obstacles are only ever put in your place to test your commitment. Hang in there, it’s worth it. 🙂