Improving Communication Skills in Relationships
I am a firm believer that there really are no problems, only miscommunications. When we lack the skills to communicate clearly, though, it does become a problem. 🙂 If we are to make the most of our relationships, then, it is critical that we develop the communication...

Human Needs – Healthy or Hindering?
What do you think of when you hear someone described as "needy?" The basic physical needs - such as food, water & shelter - are obvious ones that we all recognize as common to all people. How often, though, do we fail to recognize the psychological needs that we...

Every Person Has An Impact
This amazing video reminds us of the power of our example, especially upon children. In what way are you having an impact through your personal leadership? To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the...