15 Mother Teresa quotes to cultivate love and compassion

15 Mother Teresa quotes to cultivate love and compassion

On this day, in 1910, Mother Teresa was born. She would have been 105 today. Although she is no longer with us, she has left us a legacy that will inspire generations to come. Her accomplishments include winning to Nobel Peace Prize in 1979, but far more important is the legacy she has left of countless people still

Who Moved My Unicorn? – Joseph Ranseth’s TED Talk

Who Moved My Unicorn? – Joseph Ranseth’s TED Talk

Journey from loving our neighbour to judging them is a sad one indeed. The journey from judging our neighbour back to loving them, is the product of compassion. The purpose of this TEDx talk was to share what I have discovered as the 3 step recipe for compassion, which, when employed, will automatically replace judgement with love.