I’m more than interested in loving you, I’m committed.

Am I interested in talking with you? I crave it.

I am far more than just interested in talking with you, though.

I am committed to loving you.

My honor is found in my ability to keep a commitment.

If I can’t keep this commitment, am I worthy of your trust in any other commitment?

To love you is to be a man worthy of you.

To love you is to want for your happiness, to uphold your integrity, to fan the divine flame… Even if from a distance.

To love you is to resist the craving of my personal interest… To place a higher value on what I want most than what I want in the moment.

To love you is to not succumb to the pain of separation, borne of my emptiness, but to bring a man who is whole & complete.

And so, to love you – and to love myself – I will keep my commitment. It’s what you deserve.

Perhaps, in what you deserve, you will also find what you desire….

In love, I pray that you will.