This is perhaps the greatest commercial ever made… Originally an ad for Molson Canadian, it has become a national icon and declaration of all that is good Canadian.

My name is Joe, and I am Canadian.
Hey, I’m not a lumberjack or a fur trader.
I don’t live in an igloo, or eat blubber, or own a dog sled.
And, I don;t know Jimmy, Sally or Suzie from Canada, although I’m sure they’re real nice.
I have a Prime Minister, not a President.
I speak English and French, not American.
And I pronounce it ‘about,’ not ‘a-boot.’
I can proudly sew my nation’s flag on my backpack.
I believe in peace keeping, not policing. Diversity not assimilation.
And, the beaver is a truly noble animal!
And Z is pronounced Zed, not Z. Zed!
Canada is the second largest land mass, the first nation of hockey, and the best part of North America!
My name is Joe, and I am Canadian!