Every Person Has An Impact

Every Person Has An Impact

This amazing video reminds us of the power of our example, especially upon children. In what way are you having an impact through your personal leadership? To laugh often and much; To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; To earn the...
Letting Go Isn’t Giving Up

Letting Go Isn’t Giving Up

Letting go… The idea of letting go is often, sadly, equated with walking away, giving up or some other attitude of “good bye and good riddance.”  The prevalent belief that “things would be better without it, so I’m going to let it...
Why Having Goals Can Destroy Your Life

Why Having Goals Can Destroy Your Life

This was so good that I decided to republish it in entirety.  Special thanks to www.VinceHarris.com, author of www.TheProductivityEpiphany.com: Does that shock you to hear that having goals can destroy your life? If so, please know that your thinking is normal. After...
Here’s to the Crazy Ones…

Here’s to the Crazy Ones…

Do you ever feel like ‘a round peg in a square hole’?  This one is for you… Here’s an amazing old Apple commercial, featuring ‘crazies’ such as Albert Einstein, John Lennon, Martin Luther King, Gandhi and more. What can you do today...