The Influence of Jim Rohn – Quotes on Character
The recent passing of Self-Improvement legend Jim Rohn has caused many to reflect and pay tribute to his life, and his teachings. It is likely that you have recently seen his ideas in blog posts, Facebook notes or status updates and tweets on Twitter. We can't...

4 Steps to Create a Masterpiece Sculpture
While sculpting the great statue of David, Michelangelo was asked why he was working so hard. His response was a simple, but profound statement that each of us should consider as it relates to us: There is an angel inside of this rock and I am setting him free....

Letting Go Isn’t Giving Up
Letting go... The idea of letting go is often, sadly, equated with walking away, giving up or some other attitude of "good bye and good riddance." The prevalent belief that "things would be better without it, so I'm going to let it go" is not the true essence of...