The past few weeks have given me a lot to think about…
I’ve found myself wondering about what is most important to me in life. Many times I have asked myself the question:

What if today is my last chance to leave a mark on the planet? Will I be satisfied with what I am leaving behind?
While recent circumstance may have accelerated this closer to the top of my priority list, it still serves us all well to stop and consider: what kind of a legacy are we leaving?
Today we live in an amazing age where we all have an incredible opportunity to touch lives. Never before have we been able to communicate and influence so many people at the same time. Social media has given us a powerful vehicle to have a positive impact on the world. What many could only dream of in the past, is now a daily reality for most of us…
How are you using these opportunities? In what way can you reach out and share the gifts that you’ve been given to lift others?
If you have had challenges in your life lately, chances are that there is something that you have learned that you can pass along to help another in the same situation. Our gifts usually come wrapped up in a challenge, so remember to open them up, learn from them and share the value that you gain by growing through them.
Today is your chance to leave a legacy… will you be satisfied if it is your last chance?